I loved your piece yesterday too. The quote about the universe being stranger than we can imagine has been attributed to several people, maybe JBS Haldane. Probably the issue is epistemological at the base. I have worked at understanding the world you describe in which chaos is not an absence of order waiting to be imposed; it’s the foundation itself. I remember the point in my study of Buddhism and my practice of meditation when I finally FELT that we are standing on Nothing, that Quantum fluctuations are It. It also helps to have Cancer, a great teacher in the management of Uncertainty.
But I think you are focusing on the fact that most of humanity wants to see and feel order around them, and order means reducing the totality of any topic to two sides. What you’re asking is, I think, is it reasonable to expect a big change at scale in the ability to accept and appreciate non-dualistic explanations, nonlinear causality, and unavoidable Uncertainty. I wouldn’t bet on it, but I wouldn’t rule it out either. The cognitive technologies needed to support large scale transformation are available, but they need to be deployed.